When my dear departed friend Barbara
quit smoking several years ago she used to say to me sometimes, "I
want a cigarette so bad I could rip the lips off a kitten", and
I'd laugh at her because WTF? That's crazy talk Barbara! Think of
your own cats ma'am! LOL But seriously, it was especially funny
because Barbara was a total animal lover and all around wonderful
person who would never harm another living thing, and there she'd go
talking about disfiguring a baby cat for want of nicotine. Addiction
is hell.
Just to give you a little backstory
here, I've been prone to bronchitis for a while now and generally
come down with it a least once a year. Over the last couple of years
however, it's become more frequent and for a while I was afraid I
might have some sort of autoimmune lung issue. I might also be a
legitimate hypochondriac too, but that's another story.