Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hey Mr. Marl-Bo-ro Man...

When my dear departed friend Barbara quit smoking several years ago she used to say to me sometimes, "I want a cigarette so bad I could rip the lips off a kitten", and I'd laugh at her because WTF? That's crazy talk Barbara! Think of your own cats ma'am! LOL But seriously, it was especially funny because Barbara was a total animal lover and all around wonderful person who would never harm another living thing, and there she'd go talking about disfiguring a baby cat for want of nicotine. Addiction is hell.

Just to give you a little backstory here, I've been prone to bronchitis for a while now and generally come down with it a least once a year. Over the last couple of years however, it's become more frequent and for a while I was afraid I might have some sort of autoimmune lung issue. I might also be a legitimate hypochondriac too, but that's another story.

Friday, April 12, 2013

He's a cold hearted snake! Not Really.

So if you didn't know, I'm fascinated with reptiles; snakes, iguanas, lizards, whatever. I've loved lizards, Carolina Anoles in particular, since I was a child. They are adorable and bright green and my older brother and I would catch them in the summers and put them in jars with grass and punch holes in the lids, for proper ventilation. We would never really keep them though. They were much too fun to contain. I loved holding them, however briefly, as they are very quick and not so much for being handled. I loved the feel of their little feet sticking to my skin and how they felt cool to the touch and rough and squishy and delicate all at once. Did I mention they are bright green and cute as hell? I mean look at that face. How could you resist it?

Kiss my face! No? Well, you'll be back.

Well, I never could. I guess it's probably due in part to my love for these little guys (and dinosaurs! We can't forget the dinos!) that I've always been interested in reptiles. As such, it was no surprise that while I was on my way out of the PETCO yesterday, Fresh Step Extreme cat litter in my basket, my new phone resting obviously at the mouth of my purse, that I was captivated by a terrarium full of baby bearded dragons. Hold UP! Did someone say Dragons?