Sunday, June 24, 2012

Creepy Beautiful

Sooooo I was at Home Depot today in the garden department and as I was standing in line to check out, I felt something on my foot. I'm very squeamish about bugs and stuff and I was kind of terrified that there was something crawling on my toes. I didn't want to look. I just started kicking out, hoping whatever it was would fall off or fly off or that it was like a piece of paper or something... It wasn't though. When I felt it leave my foot I decided it was safe to look and it turns out it was this moth. Initially I was mortified because, hello! it was a moth, on my skin...but's like freaking beautiful! I'd never seen this kind of moth before. This isn't my photo because I couldn't get a good picture of it but, wow... Amazing. Still, I never want one to land on me, ever again. ::shudder::

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