Monday, March 11, 2013

Irony. You're doing it wrong.

It's funny because it's true.

Earlier today I came across this picture in my news feed captioned simply as "cool".  Feel free to facepalm at any time. I didn't bother to engage the person who shared it over her skewed perception, not because it's not my place (because let's be honest, that doesn't matter to me), but because this person is an adult. She's also a parent. This means that she's raising children. Marinate in that for a moment. Someone who is too thick to realize that this image is a direct mockery of all her "if you don't support our troops" bullshit propaganda spewing is the primary influence on another human being's thought process. Even if I were able to make her understand exactly what the intent of this image is, she would simply misunderstand why someone would make such a statement.

If you're not a parent, then you probably at least know some or at the very least have some and you know how parents can sometimes be. They have a tendency to behave as though they've cornered the market on knowing shit, as if parenthood has made them vastly superior in knowledge and understanding of the human experience to non-parents. They seem to dislike their belief systems, or their way of doing things being challenged even more so than non-parents. I'm not certain why this is, but it feels very much like they are attempting to perpetuate their ego through their children and they don't want you, or anyone else showing their kids another point of view.

Being a non-parent myself, I see this all the time and I have to tell you parents, it's annoying as all shit. I like to think of myself as open minded. I know that's not always the case, but I try. I actually think it's important to know what other people think, or know because I might be wrong about something and if you know me (which you probably do if you're reading this) then you know there's nothing I dislike more than being wrong. I want to be right and if that means that I have to change my perspective, or learn an ugly truth then that's what I have to do. Now I know you're thinking that I've gotten completely off track here, and to an extent I have, but I felt it was important to illustrate how I came to my conclusion about the person who got this ball rolling to begin with.

I didn't engage this person, this parent, about what's really going on with that picture of a tank covered in the logos of it's sponsors, because I'm not going to change her mind. She's an adult and she clearly put no thought into what this picture was actually saying. I can't get my head around that. I just can't understand why someone would see this and think "Hey, that looks neat. I think I'll share it with my friends because America, fuck yeah!", and honestly I can't say as I want to. If you think profiteering off of death and destruction is "cool" then I just feel sorry for you, and your kids.

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